mardi 6 octobre 2015
posté par shayadiehaai à 20:06

La Manche

vu 3488 fois, followers=16

84 commentaires


Welcome to

Can you provide a description of your relay team ?
What was the team objective ?

oh mon bato ! mais c'est un gros ! fish and ship

En fait, NB est perfectly fluent en anglais aussi !

Congratulations!! You just completed the most prestigious race that a swimmer can possibly think about!

also auf Deutsch

Nice photo !
Waiting about you experience on there.

Cheer's with respect.


Different computer I can write in the forum now! Yay!

So is there any interest in a Channel team?

How many hours did it take your team to complete the crossing ?

Hi Saigonnais,

12 hours 28, with 4 team members, which is much better than my last one which was 13 hours 47 with 6 team members in 2006.

We had one team member who was quite sea sick, I suspect if he hadn't felt so ill we would have gone under 12 hours.


.... il va falloir un traducteur .... comment avez vous gérer les croisement avec les "gros bateaux" .... est ce la gestion des "croisements" ou la marée qui vous ont faire une trajectoire si sinusoïdale ? ... & what about the "deep fear" ? Merci par avance

Can we view the trajectory ?
How did the captain avoid big ships ?

Merci pour la traduction

Voilà en gros ce que dit Shaya :
Le chrono de la traversée en relais de 4 nageurs = 12h28, ce qui est bien mieux que sa précédente traversée (en relais de 6 nageurs) avec un chrono de 13h47
Si l'un des 4 nageurs n'avait pas souffert du mal de mer, il pense qu'ils auraient mis moins de 12h00.

Shaya, Pirate wants to know :
- why didn't you just swim straight over : are the tides and currents the only explanation, or did you also have to take in fact the ships course ?
- how did you manage the crossings with the ships, in order to avoid them ?

Babette : La Manche t'intéresse ?

Carrément ! Mais pas toute seule
et pour l'instant en rêve, mais, mais, mais....

... et à condition que la question des méduses soit gérée (un arc et des flèches empoisonnées ?)

Les projets commencent par les rêves.

You speaks well english Babette. !

traverser la Manche oùhhh là too dangerous !!!!

Hey I've driven in Marseille - far more dangerous than swimming the Channel!

I don't think you will ever see a straight line Channel swim - the tidal movement up the Channel is too great to fight. So you work with it - part of the pilots job to know the tides and work with them, so they don't push you too far along the coast.

I know a number of swimmers who have come very close - 1 mile or less of the French coast and have been too slow to not be swept down below Cap Gris-Nez. West of Cap Gris-Nez the coast falls away so fast you'd swim forever to reach the shore, either that or you'd have to keep swimming till the tide turns and hope you have the strength to swim for shore then - which is unlikely.

Ships? Oh yeah... pilots problem... they radio the ships of your position, but redirecting a super-tanker is not easy. This relay I honestly did not notice ships - last time though we landed at Sangatte and crossed through the approaches to Calais harbour - interesting to hear a whirr, whirr, whirr sound and look up to see a ferry in front of you from horizon to horizon!

In seriousness it is part of the reason the French authorities have strongly discouraged Channel swims - Channel swims are no longer allowed to start from France - because in honesty when you look at the growth in numbers of people swimming the Channel it is disruptive...

Another reason to do it soon!

Let us hope the English never ban Channel swims... I'd need to find something else to do!

Yes, swum into several schools of the things, they sting like hell, but don't kill you, they are just annoying - I say rubbing the welts where I was stung last week!

What did you eat during the swim ?
Did you have a Michelin chef ?

I understand the reaction of the governments because swimming, Channel crossing in particular, is becoming more and more popular.

Imagine a summer where you have 1 000 swimmers who want to cross the Chanel.

They sting like a bee, they swim like a fish.

Thx Saïgo for Frank
:-) What a voice !

No, when you on the boat, really , really don't feel hungry... unless you are a hardened boater...
I had a lot of Clif energy bars and that was about all...

So how did you organize the swim shifts ? Who swims, who rests ?
Can you introduce the rest of the gang ? Unless you want to outshine them.

What is the date of crossing ?
What is the name of Her Majesty Ship ?

Next time, our Babette nationale will cook for the team, Vietnamese Pho soup that will keep you warm.


With Saïgo's recipe+ loads off ginger


Et piments.

A team on fire !

But the boat is not on fire.

ginger citron, comme chez Cote d'or

Okay so Saigonnais is signing up then... on power food how could one go wrong!?

I live in Canada.

@saigo : en voila un scoop

Canada oh... wow cool Lakes! Awesome...

Crossing Lake Ontario is a big challenge also, from New York State to Toronto.
You must obtain a permit for safety reason.

Are you going to do it or, have you done it already?

I cannot do it because I am not a good swimmer.

It takes from 20 to 24 hours to complete the crossing in solo.
The water is cold at night even during the summer.

Congratulation! Sure Babette will find a team. ( not me being a...jellyfish !)
For the French : A few days ago , a telefilm on the subject went on Arte. it is available in replay to Oct,16th. This is a movie not a documentary !


Thanks Brian, I've already had a quick look at the CSA's site, and am going to take a bit more time to read it more seriously

We need more swimmers though in the relay !

And a big bit of good training to deal with coooold and salty water, waves, current, unexpected friendly animals, good shape to swim looong time, mental and cardio...

Nothing that you can not find on the shelves...

Small things to take into account unless being crazy

For how long have you been preparing ?
And that you swim ? I mean, you are not a swimmer since last week I guess..

Quelle est la % de gras des nageurs qui réussissent la traversée?
What is the % fat body of the swimmer succesfull on the crossing?

Quelle est la % de gras des nageurs qui réussissent la traversée?
What is the % fat body of the swimmer succefull on the crossing?

En général cela tourne à 20%

@Babette / Gemma, je vous sent "ready for the SHOW"

On a le droit de la faire en combi ???

sans sent mais sens, désolé

Pas de combi dans le cadre de la CSA ou CS&PF , interdit par le réglement !
Possibilité de le faire en combi avec la Channel Crossing Association mais pas validé !

@Rufian & Waterplouf : pas bien compris la question du gras

Il faudrait que 20 % de son corps soit du gras pour résister au froid de l'eau c'est ça ? C'est énorme ! C'est pas possible !
Est-ce le taux de réussite parmi les "gros" nageurs ? Et dans ce cas qu'est-ce qu'un gros nageur ?

@Waterplouf merci ... ça douche mes ambitions: j'ai mon confort.

La periode idéale c'est septembre, + 2-3° par rapport a juin ou l'eau est a 12-13°.
Le gras te protege du froid (il fait office de tampon thermique) tres peu de nageurs "maigre" on reussi la traversée.
Ils enduisent de graisse aussi!

Il faut être donc obèse pour réussir.

Cette traversée est toujours aussi impressionnante.
Et les photos avec les cargos aux loin sont aussi toujours aussi impressionnantes.

Félicitations shayadiehaai.

Most Channel swimmers are 'well insulated' - don't know what % insulation, but I have added a few Kgs and now don't feel the 'cooler' water as quickly...

CSA & CSPF... long story there, but basically...

The CSA has strict rules, 1 costume, 1 cap, 1 pair goggles and if at night lights - no other aids, no wetsuits, outboard motors, paddles, fins or ferries...

The CSPF do any kind of crossing, from cars, bath tubs, kayaks, even swimmers who want to follow the rules above...

Take your pick, I've swum with both, don't care for petty politics and would swim with either organisation tomorrow if given the chance. I think the muttering about different organisations is just an excuse not to get in the water and swim...



This is old news : Publié le 22/07/2012.
Having said that, crossing the Channel is always dangerous.

The article concludes with the following:
Traversée interdite
La préfecture maritime de la Manche et de la mer du Nord a tenu à rappeler dans un communiqué que la traversée de la Manche à la nage, au départ de la France, est formellement interdite dans les eaux territoriales françaises situées dans le dispositif de séparation du trafic du Pas-de-Calais du fait de la dangerosité de la zone où le trafic maritime est particulièrement dense et où les conditions météorologiques peuvent parfois être difficiles.


C'est un test de motivation pour ceux qui voudrait tenter l'aventure !

voudraient... Pardon

Wouaih .... c'est une piqure de rappel pour les vivants, l'eau libre c'est aussi faire attention à sa sécurité et veiller à celle des autres ...

C'est clair.
A rapprocher des chiffres suivants :
2012 : nombre de traversées réussies = 77
2013 : nombre de traversées réussies = 81
2014 : nombre de traversées réussies = 88 (dont 30 en relais) / 31 échecs
2015 : nombre de traversées réussies = 89 (dont 36 en relais) / 28 échecs

Je présume que les échecs sont reliés aux solos.

Je suppose aussi. Pas trouvé les chiffres.
En relais, chaque nageur nage 1 heure avant de passer son tour au suivant.
Dans un relais à 6, pour une traversée qui dure +/- 12 heures, chaque relayeur nage donc 2 x 1 heure.
Rien à voir avec une traversée en solo !

The article mentions that the swimmer starts from England, and the conclusion of the article is that is forbidden to swim in the opposite direction from France to England. The swimmer was about to reach the French cost so he probably stayed between 12 and 18 hours in the cold water.

Swimming in cold water is dangerous, and swimming in warm water too. During the 2010 worldwide open water championship in United Arab Emirates, the swimmer Fran Crippen found death in the 10k race.


8 morts entre 1926 et 2013 pendant la traversée de la Manche

Wouaih .... quand j'ai une coups de mou à cause du deep fear or shark fear, je me remet à penser aux Disparus, ça motive pour trouver le chemin du retour.

Cet article est également intéressant.

L'une des conditions pour traverser la Manche est de prouver sa capacité à nager 6 heures de suite dans une eau à 16°C.

Brian, is that so for a relay team ? Does each swimmer of the relay team have to prove he can swim 6 hours in a row, in a 16 °C sea ? Does the test take place in Dover's Bay ?

Excellent article

Happily only a 2 hour verified swim at less than 15.5⁰C - 60⁰F, doesn't have to be in Dover harbour, though that is quite easy.
One the relay though one is only in the water for an hour at a time - which is very manageable...
No self respecting shark has been seen in the Channel for the last 10000 years... or so!
Yes, this is a dangerous sport, I bet though that more people die in horrible hot public swimming pools than in nice cool open water though...

The swimmer in the article was a soloist, a real tragedy, but sad that the heavy-handed Health & Safety culture has extended to the authorities dictating the crossing from France, yes, it is a busy shipping lane, yes, it must be annoying to manage, but governments are there to serve the people, not just the commerce & $/£/etc plying the shipping lanes. Also the water really isn't that cold, it certainly isn't ice swimming.

Yep Saigonais...

It is old news-ish... I think though we owe it to ourselves to recognise the risk we take, whether that be the Channel (the article illustrates clearly the very real risk), or the sharks around Reunion, or between Robben Island and Cape Town
(main reason I haven't done that swim is I don't like the idea of being eaten...)

When you know the risk, you can plan for it and put in measures to minimise the risk involved.

I guess in Canada, you have bears, cold, any shark zones?

Rendez-vous à Wissant en novembre, pour ceux qui seraient éventuellement intéressés par un projet d'équipe, ou qui voudraient juste faire un test d'entraînement commun ?

Brian, are you swimming over ?

On September 2012, the Australian Trent Grimsey swam from Dover to Calais in six hours and 55 minutes, beating the Bulgarian, Petar Stoychev’s record by two minutes in his first Channel crossing.

Ces mecs nagent pour battre le record du monde, pas pour finir.

These guys swim not to finish, but to set a world record.
They wait for the ideal condition do the crossing. They have priority over other swimmers.

I'll take the ferry in November thanks...

"La Manche" = Xtrem event for Xtrem swimmers only !

For swimmers who have something wrong in their heads.

Not that crazy, yes it is extreme like an ultra-marathon, climbing Everest or freediving, or driving a hire car in Marseille...

All are things a couch potato watches on TV and thinks... crazy, wish I could do that...
Throw the TV away and be the "crazy" doing the awesome stuff...

I have always liked what a friend said to me many years ago, if you have a choice, ask yourself will I regret NOT doing this in 6 months to a years time... if the answer is maybe or yes, then just go do it.

So true, you have only one life to live.

Bethany Bosch from Vermont, completed the solo crossing of the Channel in September 2014.
She stopped taking warm showers about at least 6 months before going to England.

Yes, maybe crazy helps!

Do you have expressions that are typically South African ?

When person says, Good Day Mate, you know he is Australian.

Howdy pardner, he is Texan.

Well... that is if you are from the coast like me...


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